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Friday, April 23, 2010

Tips Design Logo

The logo is an icon that represents something, and as a symbol which can explain briefly about the brand image of a product or company. With the logo of a company will have its own brand which will be known by the consumer society in this regard. For that we need to know that the logo has a purpose and carry out, namely:

1. Mark-Ing interpreted form
To do this interpretation is usually a designer to use analog theory to represent the form in question. The form is usually taken from the name of something objects (corporate or product) which made its logo.

2. Eye-Catching
A logo design will have more value if it contains the element of eye-catching. Of the many pictures on display, both at the outlet, bookstore, or a stack of business cards, if the logo is able to attract the attention of more dominant than pictures or other forms?

To be able to create a design eye-catching logo that is not easy. There are several things that must be considered. Start the target market, target audience characteristics, or to be used, and so forth. But this can be studied, and requires hours of flying high.

One of the elements at the top that makes an eye-catching design has a unique concept of form. In addition to the mark-ing form a unique shape also becomes one of the terms of a logo design capable of consuming audiences attention. There are many symbols that can be used to interpret an object, but from the fact there are few alternative options of one or two more eye-catching. From the basic form of a logo design can actually be added cosmetic (to borrow a fashion term) or ornaments supporters, such as forms of nature as a sweetener. Also because of its cosmetic here only as a sweetener, then the strength is not so dominant. Form which can be selected as a cosmetic form of round, square, squares, triangles, or simply curved lines.

3. Trend
Logo development more or less influenced by the trend, like trends in the fashion world. Appreciation trend here representing the dynamics of the logo shape itself. As we know in early 2000, the trend for developing a logo that is a digital form, which form more here represented by lines and dots (points). This refers to the rapidly evolving IT era at the beginning of the year. Where many of the forms which represent the world of IT to trade mark logos are born at the time. Starting from the form font to the concept of matrix effects have great impact on the birth process logos.

Trend in fact identical to the outbreak of influenza that spreads without being able to know their origins. Influence each other and have a incubasi. Sometimes circular or recurrent nature, where the old concept back into the new trend. Many factors led to this trend, which are all derived from the external. Could be because the symptoms are happening around us, such as fashion, TV, system, politics, etc..

In the era of the 70s, the design of more use to interpret the detailed shape of an object. Design a logo that there are many uses which are detailed illustrations (original approach). Perhaps precisely the flow of naturalists, and so affect the design concepts logos are born at the time. Then in the 90s era, the logo design concept changed to a more simple. Detailed form of objects that are no longer used for interpretation of a logo. There lebihcenderung minimalist design. And in the era of the year 2000 changed the development of more complex than the form is also coloring (color) very minimalist here. Color - The color used in the logos that were born in this era tend to use solid colors and impressive minimalist color, in addition to the line and dot forms. Perhaps a more fitting term for this is the era-Clipart.

To counter these trends, there are things that can be used as reference in drafting a design, whether as a trend follower? or as a creator of trends?, or instead we remain solid in the atmosphere unique to our design. All up to the designer to position the design. A definite trend is one form of appreciation for the dynamics of a development. As long as we see it as something positive then we will have a value-added insights and ideas more broadly. Vice versa, if we view it as a barrier so we will not be able to receive our design deficiencies in a more proportional.

Tips Supplement
You can find examples of the logo - a logo of a company renowned for additional insights and inspiration that is by using Google Service with Keyword / Keyword: Corporate Logo, Logo Designer, Company Logo.


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