The word photography comes from the words photo meaning light and the graph which means the image. So photography can mean drawing / painting with light.
Types of cameras
a) the film camera, now also known as analog cameras by some people.
Movies formats
Before we stepped into the types of film cameras is a good idea before we get to know a variety of formats / film size.
1. APS, Advanced Photography System. Small format with a size of 16x24mm film, packaged in a cartridge. Although this format is relatively new, but not popular. Stores that sell this kind of hard to find films in Indonesia
2. 135 format. Also known as 35mm film. Has the size 24x36mm, packaged as a cartridge containing 20 or 36 frames. This format is the most popular formats, many of us encounter in our surroundings
3. Medium format
4. Large format
Film Type
1. Film B / W, black and white negative film
2. Color negative film. The most popular, often we use
3. Positive film, also called a slide. More expensive and prone to overexposure. Yet the colors produced better because it can capture a wider range of contrast
The types of film cameras
1. Pocket / compact. Pocket camera. Popular for the layman, simple and easily operated. Using a 35mm format film
2. Rangefinder. Search camera distance. Small, at first glance like a pocket camera. The difference is, this camera has a mechanism fokusing (hence called the rangefinder). Generally use the 35mm film format
3. SLR, Single Lens Reflex. Single lens reflex camera. Popular among professional, amateur and hobbies. Generally have replaceable lenses. Using a 35mm format film. Also referred to as a camera system
4. TLR, Twin Lens Reflex. Twin lens reflex camera. Usually use medium format
5. Viewfinder. Usually use medium format
The camera manual and automatic cameras. Latest SLR cameras are generally equipped with autofocus and autoexposure system but can still be operated manually.
b) Digital Cameras
Using a digital sensor instead of film
1. Consumer. Pocket camera, cheap, easy to use. Lenses can not be replaced. Most have only fully-automatic mode. Just point and shoot. Some, like the Canon A series, has a manual mode.
2. Prosumer. SLR-like, medium price. Lenses can not be replaced. Manual and auto shooting mode
3. DSLR. Digital SLR
Camera Lenses
eye of the camera, generally determines the quality of images produced by lenses have two important properties namely the focal length and maximum aperture.
Field of View (FOV)
each lens has a wide FOV depends on the length and area fokalnya film / sensor is used.
Field of View Crop
often mistakenly called focal length multiplier. Almost all digital cameras have a smaller sensor size than 35mm film, then the digital camera field of view smaller than a 35mm camera. Eg 50 mm lens on the Nikon D70 has the same FOV with a 75mm lens on a 35mm film camera (1.5x FOV crop factor)
Lens Types
a. based on prime-vario
1. Fixed Focal / prime, fixed focal length, eg Fujinon 35mm F/3.5 35 mm focal length. Prime lens is less flexible, but the quality is higher than the zoom lens at the same price
2. Zoom / Vario, has a focal length that can be modified, eg, Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 has a focal length that can be changed from 18 mm to 55 mm. Flexible as long adjustable fokalnya
b. based on the focal length
1. Wide, wide FOV lens, focal length 35 mm or less. Typically used to photograph landscapes and buildings
2. Normal, approximately 50 mm focal length. Lens is versatile, fast and cheap
3. Tele, a lens with a narrow FOV, focal length 70mm or more. To take pictures from long distance
c. based on its maximum aperture
1. Quick, have a wide maximum aperture
2. Slow, has a narrow maximum aperture
d. Special lenses
1. Macro lens, used to take pictures at close range
2. Tilt and Shift lens, can dibengkokan
Terms lens wide / tele (based on focal length) above apply for a 35mm film camera. Nikkor 50 mm lens becomes a normal lens on a 35mm film camera, but a telephoto lens when used on Nikon D70 digital camera. Nikon D70 Nikkor 50 mm FOV FOV equivalent to 75 mm lens on a 35mm film camera
Other auxiliary equipment
- Tripod, is required to shoot with slower speeds. At slow speeds, avoiding camera shake when held by hand (handheld). In general, the minimum speed is 1/focal handhel.
Bringing a tripod when hunting can hassle. For the purposes of hunting is usually carried tripod is light and small tripod.
- Monopod, like a tripod, one leg. More portability. Can only eliminate vertical wobble.
- Flash / flash / flash, for menerangai object in dark conditions
- Filter, to filter the incoming light. There are many kinds:
UV, UV light filter to prevent hazy on foto2 landscape, often used to protect the lens from dust.
PL / CPL (polarizer / Circular Polarizar) to reduce the shadow on non-metallic surfaces. Can also add contrast to the sky
amount of light entering the camera, depending on the aperture and speed.
- Aperture / diaphragm. The bigger the aperture the more light coming. Aperture stated with such figures as follows: f / 1.4 f / 2 f / 3.5 f/5.6 f / 8. greater numbers (f number), the smaller the aperture aperturenya
- Shutter speed / aperture. The sooner, the less light entering
- ISO, said sensitivity sensor / film. The higher the ISO, the amount of light needed fewer and fewer. ISO 100 film requires two times the amount of light ISO 200 film
Example: f/5.6 aperture combination Kec. 1 / 500 at ISO 100 equivalent aperture f / 8, District 1 / 500 or f/5.6 Kec. 1 / 1000 at ISO 200.
Exposure meter, light meter. Almost every modern camera has an internal light meter. It is also available external light meter
Exposure metering (often abbreviated as metering)
is the method of light measurement
1. Average metering, measuring the average light the entire frame
2. Center-weighted average metering, measuring the average light with emphasis on the middle
3. Matrix / Evaluative metering, Measuring light in various parts of the frame, to then be calculated by the methods of certain automated
4. Spot metering, measuring the light only on a small section in the middle of the frame only
Exposure compensation, 18% gray. Exposure meter always measure light and yielding so that the light measurements generated images range in 18% gray. So if we're aiming for a piece of white cloth and use the exposure settings as shown by the meter, then the white cloth will become gray in the photograph. To overcome this we have to make exposure compensation. So we added exposure to white cloth.
Under exposured = photos are too dark because of less exposure
Over exposured = image too bright due to excess exposure
The term stop
Increased by one stop, meaning that the exposure was increased to two times.
Increased by 2 stops, meaning that exposure was increased to four times.
Down 1 stop exposure was reduced to half time.
Down 2 stop exposure was reduced to 1 / 4 times.
Increase first stop on the aperture as follows: f/22, f/16, f/11, f / 8, f / 5.6, f / 4, f / 2.8, f / 2.
Different f-stop number is 0.7 times each (1 / akar2).
Increase first stop on the district. Rana as follows: 1 / 2000; 1 / 1000; 1 / 500, 1 / 250, 1 / 125, 1 / 60, 1 / 30, 1 / 15; 1 / 8, 1 / 4; 1 / 2; 1.
Different speed of each stop is two times
DOF, depth of field, depth of field. DOF is the sharp area around the focus.
Depth of field is influenced by a large aperture, focal length, and distance to the object.
1. Aperture, the larger the aperture (smaller f number) then the DOF will be more shallow / narrow
2. Focal length (real), the focal length, DOF more shallow / narrow
3. The distance to an object, the closer the distance to the object then the DOF more shallow / narrow
DOF Selection
- If a narrow DOF, FG and BG will blur. Narrow DOF used if we want to isolate / highlight objects from the surrounding environment for example on portrait photographs or pictures of flowers.
- If the DOF wide, FG and BG looks sharper. DOF wide use if we want almost all parts of the image appears sharp, as in a landscape photo or photo journalism.
Shooting modes
Auto mode, point-and-shoot mode, live viewfinder and snap
1. Full auto, the camera determines all the parameters
2. Portrait, the camera uses the largest aperture to narrow DOF
3. Landscape, the camera uses the smallest aperture
4. Nightscene, use a slow speed and flash to capture both the object and BG
5. Fast Shuter speed
6. Slow shutter speed
Creative zone
1. P, program AE. Similar to the auto mode with more control. With this mode we can control the exposure compensation, ISO, metering mode, Auto / Manual focus, white balance, flash on / off, and continues shooting.
2. Tv, shutter speed priority AE. We determine the speed, the camera will calculate the correct aperture
3. Av, Aperture priority AE. We determine the aperture, set the speed camera
4. M, manual exposure. We are determining the aperture and speed manually
The composition and angle
Composition is the placement of objects within the image frame
Angle is the angle shooting, from the bottom, top, or parallel
The composition and angle is more related to the art of photography. The factors most influencing tastes photographer.
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